All in Food & Drink

What I Eat in a Day to Lose Weight

Last August I decided to try weight watchers for one month to learn more about the food I was putting in to my body. But it wasn't until March that my diet really started to change. I slowly cut out all dairy, started incorporating more veggies and over time the amount of processed extra sugar I was eating was gone and replaced with…

Lunch with the Little - Cafeteria, Boston

I posted a little while ago on Twitter that I was getting uninspired by what I had been drafting to post on here and I was nervous about some of the stuff I wanted to post. So today' post is the start of a new era. If you aren't following me on Twitter (which you should be), you may know that I follow a ton of bloggers, but I also follow a lot of vloggers and youtubers. I love the content youtubers make and I always feel so inspired by it! I would love to actually produce YouTube content, but I don't have the equipment for good quality videos yet, so I'm sticking to blogging.