Why I Don't Have an Internship this Summer

Every summer since I started college I've held a part-time internship. As a marketing major, I've been dreaming of the internship of my dreams the summer after my junior year (AKA right now). If you asked me in February what my plans were this year I would've said that I was on my way to the perfect internship. 

My First Tattoo + A Break From Blogging

Everyone needs a break sometimes. It's been three months since I last blogged, and the break was needed. I never thought I would take three days off bloging let alone three months, but I was drowning. My course work was getting to me, the annual conference I plan was becoming more time consuming, I stared working full-time over winter break, and blogging began to feel like a chore. 

2017 Fitness Goals

If you've been keeping up with my blog for a while you'd know I've gone through several fitness adventures, and every single time I never achieve what I hoped to out of them. But this year I've decided that rather than set a goal for a specific number on the scale or a pant size, I've set a new kind of goal.