How to Shop for Your Dorm Using Joy

I recently was scrolling through the Cosmo snap story, like I do every morning, and stopped when I read: "I Threw Out Every Item I Owned That I Didn't Truly Love." I am a low-key hoarder. I still have agendas from middle school and binders from every class I've ever taken in high school. My mom literally has boxes of my old stuff that I won't throw away in her attic. So when I read an article about throwing most of someones personal items away, I had to read why. 

College Wardrobe Essentials

The absolute hardest part of packing for college is figuring out what clothes to pack. If you’re moving to the other side of the country or even just a few hours away you have absolutely no idea what you’re gonna wanna wear everyday once you get to this new environment.

A Guide to Stress Free Finals

For whatever reason, all-nighters have become popular around my college campus. It's becoming almost cool to have more all-nighters under your belt than the person next to you! I don't know who started this trend, but I am so against it, it hurts.