My life for the past two weeks has been nothing but school work, studying, more school work, actual work, and making sure I got to sleep and eat in between those times. Let me tell you, a study break is very necessary sometimes. 

Lately I have been so distracted. Mid-terms have taken over my life and it's caused my day planner to become lonely. I started feeling really stressed out, even after my exams were over, and I didn't know why; until I looked over and saw my Day Designer sitting all by it's lonesome on the top shelf of my desk.  I sat down and had a much needed date with my planner last Saturday, and I've felt so much better ever since.

Toward the end of my senior year of high school a friend convinced me to go to a heated yoga class with her, and I fell in love. Since yoga's expensive I could only go every once in a while, but after going a couple of times I felt my daily life shifting. I stopped drinking soda, I started eating more fruit, and overall I was living a more healthy lifestyle. 

This week has been horrible. I've been so behind in all my school work because it's the first round of mid-terms. I've been studying non-stop and I feel like my head is about to explode! Mid-terms to me are way worse than finals. Why? Because you have no class during finals. You literally just have to focus on studying for finals during finals week. But not for mid-terms. 

I use Google Calendar to organize my academic day for the main reason that it notifies me whenever I have something scheduled (unfortunately my Day Designer does not do that). And as a self-proclaimed procrastinator I know that if I don't have something holding me accountable, I may just not study. 

Though-out my entire senior year all I was excited for was college. I was scouring Pinterest reading all about dorm décor and everything me and my new roommate could do together. Roommates on Pinterest are like  fairytale prince charming's. They're your best friend, have the exact same taste as you and are the same shoe size!

The one thing I absolutely dreaded about going to college was the bathroom. My parents went to the same college I attend (UMass Amherst), so I constantly tried to pick their brain about different aspects of dorm life. And the bathroom was always a scary topic. My mom warned me about co-ed bathrooms and disgusting showers with freezing water.