All in College

Free Weekly Printables

This semester is flying by!! I only have 5 more academic weeks left until finals and am completely stressed to the max. Whenever life gets hectic, my planner suffers. I am someone who hates to mess up the way they organize their planner, but in these next few weeks I just have SO much more stuff I need to do! 

5 Ways to Unwind After Midterms

Round one of midterms has finally come to an end! My mid-term week this year was extra-stressful because smack dab in the middle of it was the Conference I'd been planning for almost 5 months. It's safe to say I survived on a total of 17 hours of sleep and 10 gallons of coffee. 

Surviving Second Semester

I officially moved back into my dorm this past Monday night and classes started bright and early Tuesday morning!  This semester is Go-Time. Fall semester was a very emotional, stressful, and eye-opening semester for me; I didn’t have as much time for blogging as I would of liked, and it left me with a lot of things that I need to consider. But the biggest thing fall semester left me with was the absolute need to kill it this semester!

I LOVE crafting. I'm obsessed.  I could sit in my room painting things and pouring glitter until my hands turned numb.  The problem with doing this in the 10ft x 8 ft dorm room is that theres not too much space to glitter as my heart desires. 

Apartment Hunting

Life has been hectic with midterms, my job and mourning over the loss of not being in a sorority.  It's safe to say there have been plenty of late nights, devoured brownies, and time spent watching season after season of Grey's Anatomy. 

Back on Campus

The first week of my freshman year I may have been the only one who was not homesick; and I didn't feel homesick until our laundry room in the basement flooded (for the first time).  But this year is different.  When I was at home I actually made attempts to spend time with my parents - because I actually wanted to. Weird, I know.  My relationship with all of my parents (child of divorce) strengthened this past summer, and it was a lot tougher to leave.