The one college necessity that I love to shop for is sheets! They're the backdrop of many Instagram posts, they're the pop of color and pattern in my dorm, and they honestly just make me happy. But as soon as I'm at school it's almost impossible for me to find these sheets anywhere. So I've found five adorable sheet sets made just for Twin XL!

2 Year Blogging Anniversary!

Two years ago today I sat down, bought a domain, wrote 10 blog posts, took really bad pictures at night, and The College Life Stylist was born. Over those two years it's grown and changed with me; evolving as I have through college and life. 

When I started this blog I had no Idea where it would take me, but

Packing List for Disney

Every time I go to Florida it's weather shock. I'm so used to the nice 70-85 degree temps in Massachusetts that mentally preparing for the heat, and finding clothes that I won't die in, is the worst. Normally I would attempt to pack a cute outfit for dinner or something, but this year we're

Summer Makeup Routine

Whenever I wear makeup I always feel more confident. Body image issues are something that I feel like everyone struggles with, but no matter how I'm feeling about my body that day I know that the second I put my makeup on I'm going to feel like a whole new person. 

I always low-key dread summer time because it's too hot to wear leggings everyday, and makeup becomes way less acceptable. But I've finally perfected my summer makeup routine - it takes me less than

June Notes {+links}

June has FLOWN by! A ton of amazing things have happened this month and everyday I become more and more grateful for the life I've been given. 


I've been reading more blogs and watching more YouTube channels than ever this month and it's been amazing! It's so inspiring and motivating reading everyone's summer posts and watching peoples "in My Life" videos. I'm obsessed. 

How to Shop for Your Dorm Using Joy

I recently was scrolling through the Cosmo snap story, like I do every morning, and stopped when I read: "I Threw Out Every Item I Owned That I Didn't Truly Love." I am a low-key hoarder. I still have agendas from middle school and binders from every class I've ever taken in high school. My mom literally has boxes of my old stuff that I won't throw away in her attic. So when I read an article about throwing most of someones personal items away, I had to read why.